Painting Progress

Main Armies
Erik Morkai's Great Company: 1373/2688 points (51%)
The Army of Brewheim: 1395/3924 (35%)
Side Armies
The Risen Angels Chapter: 55/1000 points (0.06%)
The Descent of Angels: 200/1316 (15%)
Pwent's Bloodsworn Kinband: ?/750 (?% I need a rulebook . . .)
Back-logged Armies
72nd Strathmoran Shock Brigade: 2384/3550 (67%)
The Undivided Host: 327/2425 (13%)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Masterclass Telion (or as close as I get to masterclass)

For the record, playing WoW while trying to update the blog is not a good idea; avoid it if possible.
I promised pictures of Telion when I finished. I'd say he's at least close enough to finished that I can post them (which probably means I'm not going to work on him one bit more). I'm more than a little pleased with how the fellow turned out.

He may not actually be "masterclass" compared to some of the other stuff I've seen, but he's certainly one of the best, if not
the best, I've ever painted. (I've been asked this since my last post, so let me just be clear that I am not an Ultramarines player; I just felt like painting one for laughs).
I've also started work on the Keepers. The vehicles' interiors are all painted up, so now it's just the exteriors that need work, and my first Tactical Marine is done, too.

Here's the list I've built, 1,000 points. Will it win? Heck if I know, but it was fun building it and I'm looking forward to painting it.

HQ: Space Marine Captain with a power fist and a combi-melta: 135
Troops: 10 Tactical Marines with a flamer, a missile launcher, a combi-melta, and a Rhino: 215
Troops: 5 Tactical Marines with a flamer, melta-bombs, a chainsword, and a Razorback: 135
Troops: 5 Tactical Marines with a plasma gun and a Razorback: 140
Elites: Venerable Dreadnought with a plasma cannon: 175
Elites: Terminator Assault Squad with 3 thunder hammers & storm shields: 200
Total: 1,000 points

It's been a long time since I've played vanilla Marines, so I honestly can't say for certain how good this list is. I'll almost certainly have this army with me next time I'm at GW in the hopes of getting a test run.
Speaking of lists, the reason why there have been no real updates on my reborn Imperial Guard army is because I'm having trouble making a good list for it that keeps to the light infantry theme. Right now the list revolves around an Infantry Platoon supplemented by some close-quarters oriented Veterans (the platoon would act as a gunline, Infantry Squads protecting the Heavy Weapons Squads and the Company Command Squad, while Veteran Squads and the Platoon Command Squad run around and harrass the enemy as they close). I've never had a good experience running an all-gunline list, so I wanted to make sure I had a few things here and there to slow them down (later expansions would likely see some Ogryns thrown in there). I've toyed with the idea of an all-close-quarters list, but while inexpensive I don't see it working well at all. Any veteran IG players got any ideas? (Among the two of you who read this nonsense and blah?)
(Yes, I know Blood Angels just came out and I apparently should be making one of their lists. Fact is, I have a Space Wolves army that needs painting, a Codex chapter starting out, a Guard list in the future, and a recently massively expanded Empire army that needs lots of work. Blood Angels are interesting, but not enough that I'm going to start building one of those in favor of these current projects.)

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