Should I be concerned when Higher tells me they've got plans for me? Eh, whatever.
If you have not gone to Gamer's Lounge (, run by a couple of fellow Sugarland GW gamers, do so. I bring this up not just to publicize a great podcast, but also because of this:
Way back (actually not that far, only since last August or so) when I first got into this hobby seriously (ie I was doing more than ten Tactical Marines per year), I decided to go Imperial Guard to replace my wrecked Space Marines. Unfortunately, I had no idea what I was doing. I believe I won twice with it over several months of playing it (it wasn't just poor composition, I had no idea how to use the army and was making stupid mistakes left and right). It originally had a theme of urban warfare light infantry, but somewhere along the line, that got lost in the interest of getting more of those tanks that make the Guard so very popular (thus losing the notion of light infantry).
Listening to all that talk of theme and composition in the podcast caused me to revisit the idea of an army made for theme, would be fun to play, and would, hopefully, do tolerably well in games.
I am currently working out a 2000 point Guard list that features no tanks. Instead, there are well over 100 Guardsmen, loaded with enough heavy weapons to make up for the lack of tanks, supported by a bunch of ogryns and psykers. Rummaging in the bitz box, I found enough bits to make a spare Guardsman and painted him up as a proof-of-concept model for this new army, the 75th Strathmoran.
So I went from urban to desert. This is a crazy-easy paint scheme; I figure I can do a full squad in two days, tops (which, when you consider the number of Guardsmen involved, is a very good thing). Unfortunately, considering the amount of stuff I have to do, just in regards to the hobby (painting Space Wolves, building up and painting Empire, restarting my Codex Chapter Space Marines, and now this), it's going to be awhile before that list sees the light of day. But when it does . . . well, it's going to take forever to finish my turn in games, that's for sure. But heck if it won't be fun as hell.
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