Painting Progress

Main Armies
Erik Morkai's Great Company: 1373/2688 points (51%)
The Army of Brewheim: 1395/3924 (35%)
Side Armies
The Risen Angels Chapter: 55/1000 points (0.06%)
The Descent of Angels: 200/1316 (15%)
Pwent's Bloodsworn Kinband: ?/750 (?% I need a rulebook . . .)
Back-logged Armies
72nd Strathmoran Shock Brigade: 2384/3550 (67%)
The Undivided Host: 327/2425 (13%)

Monday, May 17, 2010

And we're back

Well, it's been awhile. I owe the handful of you who actually come to my blog an apology and an explanation. The past month or so has been nonsensically nasty (and my camera died) between the end-of-semester crunch Virginia Defense Force activities (I commanded a composite company out at the Apple Blossom Festival this year; 2 days of command, 2 months of lead-up work, strangely some of the most fun I've had as in the VDF yet), and completing my Basic MEMS (Military Emergency Management Specialist) training. Thanks for sticking around.
Okay, so I've got about a month of updates to go over . . .

Warhammer Fantasy
I've been playing Fantasy as my primary game for the past month or so. I consider it the better game (compared to 40k), being more complicated, more thought-provoking, and far more challenging. My Empire army has grown tremendously, and I've been focusing what little painting I've done on them. You can see the numbers at the top (which I have been updating, despite the lack of actual posts); the Army of Brewheim now has a 1,000 points legal army fully painted (it would likely get trashed, due to a noticeable lack of detachments for the Core choice done so far, but hey, it's a fully-painted army).

What everyone knows about by now is the upcoming release of Warhammer 8th edition. I haven't been a hobbyist for long (about a year now I'd say) and have only just gotten used to 7th ed. As a result I don't have much to say on it, though if you poke around the internet and/or your local GW store I'm sure you'll find/hear/see plenty of information on what people think is coming in 8th. I'll keep my peace until I have something confirmed by GW.

I have considered what I want to do for my inaugural 8th ed. army. As there are very few people in my local community who do Beastmen (that I've met at least), I had considered them and even bought the army book and wrote a list. That said, both thematically and how the army seems to play isn't really that appealing. The look of the army doesn't really strike me as that interesting (half-naked things with back-jointed legs, hooves, and cow-faces? no thanks).

I do have my old Warriors of Chaos army that has been begging for an update. The army, as it stands, is totally Tzeentch-themed, which, after careful thought, isn't really a good way to run an army. I picked Tzeentch because Tzeentch struck me as the most Chaos-y of the Chaos gods. In terms of gameplay, however, a 6+ Ward save only goes so far. I'm looking at adding some Khorne and Nurgle to round it out and strengthen the army into something more playable.

Warhammer 40,000
I haven't been neglecting my Space Wolves too much. I've almost finished the first pack of Grey Hunters, and I've been adding on to the Blood Claws to make a full pack (I have a vision of a full pack with a Wolf Guard Battle Leader charging out of a Land Raider Crusader). The Blood Claws have served as one of my Kill Teams, though due to a lack of 40k playing they haven't had a chance to do anything but die to Bill's Eldar team (I have an axe to grind with that Relentless Ranger).

My second Kill Team is not a team in the strictest sense. I have been using a Blood Angels Furioso Librarian (converted from an Ironclad Dreadnought), which I have found is something that works if played very conservatively. The Furioso's back armor is still only 10, so, as I've discovered, enough Ork Shoota shots into the back will bring it down. As will a meltagun to the face. Still, it's fun, and there's something delightful about seeing a Fleet (special rule specifically for Kill Teams, it's not a Furioso thing) with the Wings of Sanguinius power (allowing it to move as Jump Infantry) dreadnought run around and smash things to pieces with terrifying ease.

I haven't done much else with the Blood Angels, however. Nor have I done much about rebuilding my Imperial Guard, and part of that was a realization that making my list my theme was a bad idea (not to mention expensive). I sat on that for awhile, then came up with a grand idea. You see, Empire Militia and Archers fit really well with Cadian bits. The result is a unique look (and now I really wish I had a functional camera to show you my test model). With some modification to the test model's look, and at the suggestion of several fellows at the local GW store, I'm now leaning towards making a mechanised Guard list depicting the Fenrisian PDF (having been somewhat motivated by the new IG tank kits coming out). Below is a theoretical list.

1/9 Fenrisian PDF: Imperial Guard 2,000 points

Company Command Squad with a power fist, medi-pack, a meltagun, carapace armour, 2 bodyguards, and an Officer of the Fleet: 185

Veteran Squad with a power fist, and 3 meltaguns, with a Chimera with a heavy bolter and a heavy stubber: 180
Veteran Squad with a power fist, and 3 meltaguns, with a Chimera with a heavy bolter and a heavy stubber: 180
Veteran Squad with a power fist, and 3 meltaguns, with a Chimera with a heavy bolter and a heavy stubber: 180

Fast Attack
Valkyrie Assault Carrier with a lascannon and multiple rocket pods: 145
Scout Sentinel Squadron with 2 autocannon-armed Scout Sentinels and 1 lascannon-armed Scout Sentinel: 130

Scout Sentinel Squadron with 2 autocannon-armed Scout Sentinels and 1 lascannon-armed Scout Sentinel: 130

Heavy Support
Leman Russ Squadron with a Leman Russ Battle Tank with a hull-mounted lascannon and a Leman Russ Exterminator with multi-melta sponsons: 345
Leman Russ Squadron with a Leman Russ Battle Tank with a hull-mounted lascannon and a Leman Russ Punisher with heavy bolter sponsons: 365
Manticore Rocket Launcher: 160

Total: 2,000 points

This list is likely to go through a few iterations before seeing the tabletop, but as it stands it strikes me as being crazily hard-hitting and surprisingly durable (mostly thanks to the sheer amount of stuff an opponent would have to cut through).

Well, it's been a long block-o'-text (that's what happens when you don't post for a month), thanks for sticking around, and I'll have pictures of my stuff for you once I get the camera up and running again.